Monday, February 20, 2012

It doesn't matter what we should do, it doesn't matter what we want to do, as long as what we do is the Right thing to do.

Here's a one-liner ethical quote that should be a theme. I got the inspiration off of watching a morning show today. These quotes were created by me. thanks if you reuse them but I'm planning on making a script so if you do reuse them make sure to credit me (XJ).

"Often times we cannot discern between what we want to do and what we should do. Our vision is clouded, but only our (heart or mind) will be the light that guides us to the right choice."

"So you are contractually obligated to kill Jews (Muslims, Christians, etc.). Should you do it? Do you want to do it? But what is the Right thing to do?"

"Duty and Desire are inessential details compared to the ultimate motive: Ethicacy."

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